Kocela CEO Abel Masai to speak at the Kakamega Real Estate Breakfast 2023

Kocela CEO Abel Masai to speak at the Kakamega Real Estate Breakfast 2023

Abel Masai is the founder and CEO of the Award winning financial technology company, Kocela Limited at the Continental level. For almost a decade, Abel has steered this company in transforming the future of mobile payment solutions in Kenya and Africa at large. This stamp of approval was when Kocela Ltd was named the winner in the Payments and Transfers Category at the 2017 Africa Fintech Awards.

Over the years, Abel Masai has led the company to developing some of the most used apps synonymous with the Kenyan banking system. Key among these include the KCB Mobile Banking App, Spire Bank, Credit Bank and the Housing Finance mobile applications. So he’s basically behind your mobile banking application experience everytime you send, receive, pay or deposit money via an app. Or atleast his input contributed in making it possible.

However, the above success so far only speaks a bit about how incredible his contributions in the tech sector are. The company now has its own Mobile Money wallet that assists you run your finances all from one place: your phone. And here enters TendePay! Well, you want to know everything about what the app can do for you and your business?

Abel receives an award at the Realtors Expo Nanyuki

Especially managing your rental properties instead of having to deal with one tenant at a time? Or having to operate 5 different accounts separately? And better still, integrating all bills and salary payments among others? It is one of the reasons the CEO will be gracing the Kakamega Real Estate Breakfast 2023 as the technology partner and speaker.

At this inaugural breakfast event themed “Leveraging Affordable Housing Opportunities In Western Kenya”, we are looking forward to his insights on using technological applications like TendePay on matters property rent collections, tracking property construction projects, payment of wages such as Casual labourers, tracking clients payments, invoicing. Generally, on how we can leverage on technology to develop highly affordable and quality real estate investments ranging from commercial, residential and industrial developments.

Abel Masai’s Profile

The Kocela CEO hails from Malava Sub-county, Kakamega County. He holds a Bachelor’s of science degree in Information Technology (IT) from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology (JKUAT). He has won many individual awards one of them being the Huawei Android Challenge organized in 2016.

Abel (in white shirt) receives his award.

The partnership brought together Huawei, Safaricom and three Universities among them JKUAT, UON and Moi University. Asked on his life mission, Abel Masai affirms his commitment to building the ‘Google of Africa‘.

About Kakamega Real Estate Breakfast

Kakamega Real Estate Breakfast is a premier regional event bringing together stakeholders in the real estate, construction, finance, logistics among other sectors for networking, exploring opportunities among others. The event will be held on the 10th March 2023 at Liachi’s Lounge & Restaurant Kakamega from 8.00AM.

You can be part of this event and conversation for only Ksh. 2,000. For reservations, call 0725121083 or email us on sales@valuablehomes.co.ke

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